
In my neck of the woods...

I never really understood that saying but anyway!

I have a job now! Thank goodness!!! I was feeling like I was getting cabin fever!!! Not having a car and seeing that in Appleton things are a bit more spread out then in Milwaukee and the buses suck here I couldn't really get anywhere. But that is now over. We are going to start looking for a car for me and hopefully get one soon. It's nice because right now since we only live like a couple of miles from either of our works if one of us has to work longer then the other we just drop whoever works first off and then they walk home which typically takes like half an hour for either of us. We have fixed my bike too and if we have car issues or if I just feel like biking to work I can do that. With the temp as warm still as it is though I don't really want to show up for work all sweaty and what not and then have to work for at least 6 hours like that. but when the temp drops a bit more I will definitely take advantage of that!

Well that is all for now! We both have off tomorrow so we will be spending some nice quality time together which will be awesome!


  1. So glad things are coming together! I got a new job too--squee! I'm working at Beauty on Farwell. Loving in. :)

  2. are you only working there then? Yeah for new jobs. I'm actually being offered another job possible two that are full time and I'm trying to get a hold of them to set up interviews!!! Yeah! <# (-:
