

I recently have been reading the book Cunt by Inga Muscio and in one chapter she talks about self protection and how every woman should have a womanifesto which outlines how you will protect yourself in any way possible. While some women have asked Inga to post their womanifestos on her website and other's post them on their own websites, I am choosing to keep mine to myself and not put it out there into the interwebs. I feel that while others may post theirs because it is meant to be posted at that point in time mine is meant to be mine and for my eyes only as a mantra, a rather long 2 page mantra, of what I feel is self protection. I also feel that it will consistently be added to or edited so there will never be a postable version of it unless everyday I post a new one. Today I sat down at my computer after rereading Inga's womanifesto and a friend's who posted her's on her blog and I just began to write. While some are not major factors in my life currently they are things that I hope to emulate in the near or even far future while others may see some as trivial things that are not worth writing down. I feel that by writing all of them down though they are there and they need to be paid attention to.

Have you wrote a womanifesto? What do you think of some of the ones on Inga's website? Have you read Cunt?

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